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Are Stair Treads Pet Safe?

Are stair treads pet friendly? Absolutely! As a pet owner, I know how important it is to have safe and secure stairs for my furry family. Fortunately, there are many pre-cast concrete stair treads available that are perfect for pet owners. Not only do they provide a safe and slip-resistant surface, but they also have the added advantage of durability. By using cement stair treads, I can make sure my beloved pets will be able to navigate the steps safely without me having to worry about them slipping or falling.

Another benefit of pre-cast concrete stair treads is that they require very little maintenance once installed. This means I can spend less time worrying about upkeep and more time cuddling with my fur babies on the couch!

Stair treads come in a variety of materials and styles, but when it comes to pet-friendly stairs, pre-cast concrete or cement stair treads are the best option. Pre-cast concrete stair treads are already formed and ready for installation, making them a great choice when you want to get your stairs done quickly. Cement is also an excellent option; not only is it durable and long lasting, but it can be tailored to fit the specific needs of your staircase. Plus, unlike most other materials used for stair treads, both pre-cast concrete and cement are non-slip surfaces that can keep pets safe on the stairs.

However, even with pre-cast concrete or cement stair treads installed on your staircase, there’s still a chance that pets may slip if they don’t have enough traction on their paws.

The decision to make stair treads pet friendly depends on the materials used and the preferences of the homeowner. Pre-cast concrete or cement stair treads are typically not considered pet friendly because they can have sharp edges that could hurt a pet’s feet. The surface of these types of stairs is also usually too slippery for pets, as their claws don’t provide enough traction. Additionally, many pre-cast concrete or cement stairs are not installed with non-slip pads, which increases the chances of slipping for dogs (or humans) going up and down them.

On the other hand, if homeowners choose to install steps made from natural stone such as granite, sandstone, bluestone or flagstone these tend to be much more pet friendly than pre-cast concrete due to their rough texture providing more grip and traction for dogs’ paws.